Hi, I’m John Franklin
Husband, Business Owner, Public Servant
Early on
When I arrived in North County more than 20 years ago, I knew I was home. I met my wife in Vista and together, we built a business, bought a home and we’re living the American dream. That’s why I chose to serve, to protect that dream. For us, that’s a middle class life in a safe, clean neighborhood.
I’m a big believer in the phrase, “If it is to be, it’s up to me.” I believe in the power of one person to make a difference, and that’s why I felt called to run.
Before I was elected, the Vista Council hadn’t increased funding for policing in more than 15 years, even though the City had grown in population significantly during the same time.
I put Public Safety, paving the roads, and focusing on the core priorities of local government in first position. I was elected in the 7th year of deficit spending, and I put a stop to it. I’m proud to tell you our budget has been balanced every year that I have served on Vista’s council.
When we take care of core services, citizens see results.